Winners of the Cabot Institute for the Environment Film Prize 2021

This year the Cabot Institute team had the privelege of judging the Environment category of this year’s Bristol Science Film Festival.

We’re pleased to be able to announce the winners of this year’s Cabot Institute for the Environment Film Prize. A big congratulations to all film makers, the quality of the films this year was brilliant which made it so much harder to judge!

Runner up — Beavers: Nature’s Ecosystem Engineers by Lauren Cook

Beavers is a watercolour-illustrated stop-motion animation about beavers, their keystone impacts and role in restoring UK rivers. Watch it here.


Winner — Lucho Apa and the Soil by Clau Zavala

Lucho Apa, the only ‘chulengo’ (a young guanaco) in his herd, must venture through the Choapa valleys in Chile to form his own. Along the way, he will get to know northern landscapes, form solid friendships and discover that soil is not just dirt! Watch the full miniseries here.


Well done Clau!
This blog was written by Amanda Woodman-Hardy, Communications and Engagement Officer at the Cabot Institute for the Environment.