Cabot office weekly roundup – 7 September 2012

Poor Neville Gabie, our Artist in Residence, has had a bad week with technology with his laptop and video camera breaking down.  Neville is currently recording and editing interviews of Cabot members for his project Common Room.  If you would like to get involved (Neville has a replacement camera now!), please contact or take a look at Neville’s web page.

We have been working on the first edition of our new annual magazine this week.  We met with Dirty Design who are designing the layout of the magazine.  There is a lot of work to do between now and getting it printed in October so the next few weeks will be pretty hectic in the Cabot Office.

On Tuesday we met with Dave Kilbey who is project manager in IT Services.  He has developed a new mobile app called Nature Tracker to record invasive species in the UK.   Check it out.

Our top Cabot news stories in the last week or so are:


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