Who is Cabot Institute? Dr Vicky Jones


Dr Vicky Jones

In conversation with Dr Vicky Jones, Development Associate at the Cabot Institute

What is your role at Cabot Institute?

My overall role is to support the Cabot community in making new interdisciplinary research connections, both within and outside the University. This could be by making direct links between individuals or running meetings and events that provide the space for interdisciplinary discussions to take place.  I also run our Innovation Fund, which is an annual call that provides small amounts of funding to pump-prime new interdisciplinary research ideas or support impact and engagement focused activities. My role means I get to work with researchers from right across the University and particularly with our theme leads.

How long have you been part of Cabot?

I joined Cabot in 2016, so I’ve been here almost five years now.

What is your background?

I studied for my PhD here at the University of Bristol, in the School of Chemistry. After that I spent almost 15 years working in research funding, first in various roles at EPSRC and then moving to HEFCE (now Research England), where my final role was Deputy Manager for REF2014.

Why did you want to join the team?

The remit of the Cabot Institute was the main reason I wanted to join the team. I believe that the climate crisis is the most important challenge we face. I was really excited to join Cabot and have the opportunity to play a small role in supporting the researchers that are responding to that challenge.

What do you think is the biggest environmental challenge facing us today?

The will of governments to take the bold steps that are required to meet the challenge of the climate crisis. Individual action can only take us so far.

Governments will have to take decisions that are unpopular and will impact on how we live our lives. But the short-termism of our political system acts against those sorts of decisions being taken. Those that have contributed least to this crisis are already suffering and dying as a result of our inaction, but there is still time, if there is the will to do so.

What is your favourite part of your job?

Getting to meet our amazing researchers and learn more about their research is always so interesting. But, when I am able to bring people together that might otherwise not have met, and that sparks a new collaboration, that is the absolute best part of my job.

What are you most looking forward to over the next 10 years of Cabot?

The Cabot community is fantastic, so I’m looking forward to learning more about all the great research ideas that develop. With the increasing recognition of the importance of protecting our planet and those who live on it, I’m looking forward to seeing what can be achieved with our creativity, ingenuity, compassion, and global cooperation.

Find out more about Vicky here.

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